
The Cloud Makers (2018)

The Cloud Makers (2018)

“Would you like to know a secret? Almost no one knows that all the clouds we see in the sky come from the same place. The brothers Korky and Nimbus are older than time itself – yet everyday, they sit in their floating pavilion and do what they love most, telling each other stories while…

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Create Photorealistic Shadows in Photoshop

Create Photorealistic Shadows in Photoshop

What you are going to learn here today In this short article you are going to learn two things about photorealistic shadows: a) a little bit of necessary but useful background information about light and shadows b) how to create 100% photorealistic shadows in Photoshop for one specific (but common!) lighting situation. The specific situation…

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The Psychology of Portrait Photography

The Psychology of Portrait Photography

The Psychology of Portrait Photography Portrait Photography is 10% Photography and 90% Psychology Portrait Photography is a truly fascinating discipline. On the surface it appears to be an ever repeating job: Person stands in front of the camera, photographer takes a good photo, selects, edits and delivers it, done. But the truth is, portrait photography…

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What’s wrong with TfP?

What’s wrong with TfP?

I’d like to start by saying, this is going to be somewhat of a rant about TfP and some of the points I’ll be making are due to personal preference. While I do feel strongly about these points,  I also welcome an open discussion. So feel free to contribute your own experiences, comments, opinions, etc. in…

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Emotion in Photography

Emotion in Photography

A couple of days ago, my friend Ethan Oelman, also a Switzerland-based photographer, has posted his new series simply entitled “Emotions”. As with any great project, this one really has got me thinking – about our ability to read and project emotions and also on my own approach to emotion in visual artwork, especially, emotion…

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