New Photo: It’s Always Raining

New Photo: It’s Always Raining

concept/photography: John Flury
model: Christoph Dill

shot at the Obsoquasi studio, Zurich, Switzerland Oct. 23 2014

Concept: The man in “It’s Always Raining” is certainly a dreadful figure, a victim of his unwillingness to let go of his own misery. Who is he? What’s the source of his dread? Has he loved and lost someone? Has he been mistreated, cheated, abused? Whatever it may be, he has chosen to not let go of his self-inflicted darkness. A darkness that has become something like a friend to him. There is something to hold on to – a deep loathing for the world and himself. Without it, he would have nothing.

For anyone who ever went through depression, this self-destructive way of thinking may be very familiar. It’s not easy to let go of that dark umbrella, once it defines who a person is. I’m in a way glad for my own experiences in my early 20s with depression, but also for my ability to throw my umbrella away with the help of friends and family and live a happy life.


It's Always Raining



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